Make Tag clouds with random texts (copy and paste!)

This great free tool is amazing. Copy any text or complete website from the internet. Paste it into the box on their page, click create and you get a tag cloud where the most frequently used words from your text will be shown as large words whereas the lesser used words will be very small. I reckon a great way to collect e.g. group findings, opinions in class or to introduce a new topic.

Here is a wordle made from the BAG Homepage:


Bildschirmfoto 2013-06-06 um 19.48.00

Using – a quick report

I’ve just tried a quiz using in a group of 22 kids. In teams the students played against other team in class. In the end the winner even got a prize. That was an interesting learning experience using new media and a fun lesson at the same time. I mainly used multiple choice questions/answers, simply because it’s easier to handle in class. of course you need a reasonable WIFI and a bunch of netbooks for your students. It also perfectly works on your portable device but our kids aren’t allowed to use them in school.

I strongly recommend to give it a go. It’s not only fun creating a quiz but also doing the quiz and having your students engaged in learning a foreign language!


Weitere Literatur zum Thema von Diana Dimitrov empfohlen

Weitere Interessante (Meta)-Links zum Thema e-learning:
Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Christoph Igel, Direktor des Centre for e-Learning Technology: Lerntechnologien der Zukunft – Bildungspotenziale durch digitale Medien

Interview mit Prof. Dr. Horst Niesyto: “Keine Bildung ohne Medien!”

Technologietrends im E-Learning: Horizon Report 2013
Posted on 18. Januar 2013 by Frauke Heinze
Horizon Report 2013
Wie wäre es mit einem Blick in die Zukunft des E-Learning? Der Horizon-Report macht das möglich. Das gemeinsame Forschungsprojekt des New Media Consortium (NMC) und der EDUCASE Learning Initiative (ELI) ermittelt neue Technologien, die in den nächsten fünf Jahren vermutlich eine wesentliche Rolle im Bildungsbereich spielen werden.

TED-Videoclips zur digitalen Zukunft:

E-learning Education In New Zealand
Etwas runterscrollen, integriertes Video zur Implementation von e-learning
UND etwas Literatur:
Brown, J., Bryan, J., & Brown, T. (2005). Twenty-first century literacy and technology in K-8 classrooms. Innovate, 1(3):