Around the world – India

We have used the following applications:



We produced the following animated products:


South Africa with an embedded Animation


Positive Experiences with Goanimate:

  • + Fun to work with anaimation
  • + Easy to follow instructions
  • +Promotes writing, reading and listening skills
  • + Can promote speaking skills, if feature is chosen
  • + Idea for slow learners: just type dialogues, let them read aloud by programme
  • + Differentiation is possible by quantity i.e. more or less detailed

Critical Remarks:

  • – the more detailed animations can be difficult to edit/ amend
  • – system crashing can lead to total loss of work  —-> ALLWAYS       SAVE        during      PROCESS !!!

Positive Experiences with Glogster:

  • + Works like an interactive Advance Organizer
  • + Good starting point for an exploration
  • + Makes comprehensive survey about a topic possible
  • + All language skills are involved
  • + Differentiation is possible by interest (free choice and varied instruction is possible)
  • Critical Remarks:
  • – Needs longer time to understand the functions
  • – Must be used precisely
  • – Lack of navigation after cklicking on the elements




Task for group 2 (around the world)


English around the world (Jamaica, India, New Zeeland, …) 

Topics: Geography, intercultural learning, reading, food, videos, music, interviews, language, dialects

Members of your group should use and to present your group findings to BAG 2013.

Imagine you want to create a lesson plan. The topic of the upcoming weeks in class should be: English around the world. You have found these two (obviously) very promising web tools and finally want to get started using them in class.

Collect ideas on a possible lesson plan using glogster yourself then develop tasks your groups of students can master with the help of the aforementioned web tools.

Please don’t forget that every group member has to create a short blog post on his / her experiences during the workshop. We want to find out more about the usability and potential of new media  to promote inclusion in the EFL classroom.


  • To use the online tools above you need to register, all you need is an email address and a password – don’t worry it’s free!