Here is a digital development article, as recommended by John Lemon.
Tag Archives: 56. BAG
56. BAG Photo Gallery
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AG 4 – Using educational technology to enhance personalising learning in the English classroom, beginners & intermediate
Group leaders: Alicia Bankhofer, Diana Dimitrov
Group members: Alla, Angela, Charlene, Christina, Gabi, Gertrude, John L, Steffen
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AG 3 – Praktische Annäherung an den Umgang mit sozialen Medien anhand von Unterrichtsbeispielen
Group leaders: Martin Bastkowski, Ingrid Keller-Russell
Group members: Denise, Kirstin, Lea, Lisa, Maren, Silke
AG 2 – Global goals and TED talks in ELT
Group leaders: Timothy Phillips, Susanne Quandt
Group members: Maurizio, Natalie, Rita, Stefanie
AG 1 – Using digital resources/apps/multimedia to enhance creativity in the ELT classroom
Group leaders: Pete Sharma, Sanja Wagner
Group members: Cedric, Dominik, Hannah, Linda, Sascha, Thomas, Yvonne
BAG AGs: Markt – Portfolios/Mahara
Check out the Prezi below:
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Alicia Bankhofer: How mobile learning modifies, redefines and transforms learning
“The internet is like …” Write down a word on a piece of paper and share it with me!
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Martin Bastkowski: Umgang mit social media im Englischunterricht
Pete Sharma: Digital Literacies in the creative English language classroom
Here are the slides from Pete’s presentation:
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Timothy Phillips: Visual Literacy in the 21st century English language and classroom
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BAG Programme
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Einladung zur 56. Tagung der Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Englisch an Gesamtschulen mit Fachleuten aus Erziehungswissenschaft und Fachdidaktik und internationalen Gästen.
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