John Lemon’s conference summary


Here’s a link to the book John is holding!

Don’t forget John’s great offer for producing custom made material that you can use in the classroom. The dates and material offered are listed below:

June Jpegs

request before june 13 deliver by july 3

September MP3s

request before sept 11 deliver by oct 9

November Jpegs

request before nov 13 deliver by dec 4

February MP3s

request before feb 12 deliver by march  4


requests for prep / stuff to bring for BAG May

AG1: Responding to Diversity – Untergruppe 5

Giving a short talk in the ESL beginners’ classroom 

Holding a speech is a central topic in English teaching. It doesn’t really matter which age group we talk about, this topic comes up at different levels in a circular curriculum.

Referring to David Crabtree’s 10 top tips to inclusion we structured a topic plan which should enable all learners especially in year 6 to develop a short talk about any topic which they are interested in or which the actual themes from the book elicit in class. read more

AG1: Responding to Diversity

Group leaders: David Crabtree, Lilo Bohnsack, Otfried Börner


Das zentrale Thema der Arbeitsgruppe 1  beinhaltet die Auseinandersetzung mit der für den Unter­richt notwendigen Aufgabe des responding to diversity. Im Anschluss an seinen Plenarvortrag prä­sen­tierte David Crabtree in der Arbeitsgruppe dazu weiterführend als übergreifende Aussage drei Thesen, die für das Tagungsthema „Orientierung an den Lernenden“ von entscheidender Bedeutung sind:

  • All children in the class are different, they all learn differently.
  • Teaching includes all children’s ways of learning.
  • Put the learner in charge of their own learning.

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AG3: Unterricht von den Lernenden aus: in und mit dem Internet

Group leaders: Kees van Eunen, Diana Dimitrov, Sanja Wagner

Log into the website and check out our group to see all of our documents and conversations. You can find the group here.

See our website recommendations: An introductory text is also available here.

Our Protokoll is also available here.

Click on “read more” to see pictures and videos from the group:

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Einladung – Orientierung an den Lernenden

Einladung zur 53. Tagung der Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Englisch an Gesamtschulen mit Fachleuten aus Erziehungswissenschaft und Fachdidaktik und internationalen Gästen.

Hier finden Sie die Ausschreibung der diesjährigen Tagung mit dem Titlel: Englischunterricht an Gesamtschulen: Orientierung an den Lernenden read more